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The government agenda to silence informal culture can be counteracted by an human scale inclusive institution which amplifies and supports the voice of the informal communities.

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A Matrix of Neighbourhood Museums  |

Artefact 8.1 Right | Proposal diagram Museum Matrix


Instead of reforming the dated ideal of a 'City Museum' I propose a new typology, 'Museum Community'. A matrix will amplify the informal and make its presence irrefutable.  


Cairo's districts are diverse. A series of neighbourhood scale museums scattered across the city will ensure content is relatable and a true representation of reality which caters for all in the community.


Practicing 'Museum Community' ideals shows awareness of the tricky balance which needs to be struck between controlled content and the chaotic context. 

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British Museum Conservation Centre (WCEC) |

Artefact 8.2 Left | Images of WCEC (RIBA, 2017)


Location & Date | London, 2014

Architect | Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners

Area | 18,000sqm, 9 floors, 20m, 68% below ground

Construction | Concrete frame, translucent kiln-formed glass planks cladding provides shading and privacy. 


Description | A redevelopment on the British Museum site provides a series of museum support spaces. Storage, conservation studios, laboratories and galleries are arranged according to climatic requirements. 

Importance of the Archive  |

Artefact 8.3 Right | Zoning section of WCEC (RIBA,2017)


The process of artefact procurement and preservation is crucial to the running of a museum. The WCEC celebrates the background work and creates a vehicle for future contributions and exchanges. 


Staff work together to design new methods with which to preserve and better understand a collection and communicate with the modern world. 

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Range of Resources Scale |

Artefact 8.5 Right | Proposal diagram Museum Matrix


Assuming the areas of two adjacent museums on the 'Range of Resources Scale' differ roughly by a factor of 2.5, the scale factor between a Neighbourhood and Global museum would be 39.

Museum Spatial Hierarchies  |

Artefact 8.4 Left | Analysis of WCEC storage hierarchy 


Museum frontages are just a fraction of the complete system, storage typically makes up around 35% of the programme (Mace, 2018). At WCEC a concrete frame surrounds a 5 storey basement archive. 

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Scaling the British Museum |

Artefact 8.6 Left | British museum statistics (Drew, 2017)


Scaling the global British Museum's internal area of 123,000 sqm by a factor of 39 estimates that a neighbourhood museum with equivalent facilities would require an area of roughly 3150 sqm.

Applying Metrics to Site |

Artefact 8.7 Right | Proposal diagram Museum Matrix


My site has an area of 1200 sqm. Part of the land should remain clear to respect existing buildings, provide refuge and encourage biodiversity. I will build on 800 sqm or less.


The museum will therefore be no higher than 4 floors if facilities are spread across the site.

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The Brief

Project Ambition  |

Artefact 8.8 Right | Implementing ideals


Memories are connected to objects. Locals will feel empowered if they have the opportunity to share their stories. Therefore presentation is important, not all artefacts are suitable for display in a glass box. 'Museum Community' ideals will test the typical form of an exhibition so content can be represented appropriately.

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Narrative  |

Artefact 8.9 Left | Initial Concept Sketch


Reflecting on Cairo's tumultuous past and uncertain present will support the community in finding a means in which to move forward. 


Presenting stories with dignity will expose others to experiences, inspire empathy and reinforce the importance of culture and sense of belonging. 

The Brief |

Artefact 8.10 Right | Spatial brief collage

Proposal Brief 2.jpg

Contextual Development

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Social & Cultural Unity  |

Artefact 8.11 Left | Initial schedule of accommodation


Museum agendas shouldn't be purely educational. Programmes can be balanced to create unity on a socio-political level.


Small scale institutions can benefit from interacting and listening to the community. A two way conversation facilitates mutually beneficial exchanges.

A City of 'Spires'  |

Artefact 8.12 Right | Proposal diagram Museum Matrix


Cairo's skyline ritualises the creation of noise from above the chaotic streetscape. Minarets broadcast Islamic prayer 5 times a day and pigeons towers  house and train birds with whistling. 


This symbolism can be replicated in 'Taking Note'. A beacon of reclamation will provide a novel perspective over the context, create awareness and represent the power of the informal. 

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Parti Development |

Artefact 8.13 Left | Initial concept parti diagrams


'Taking Note' aspires to assimilate and represent the true haphazard nature of the informal city.


To strike a balance between control and chaos a merger of spatial requirements and contextual influences will drive development. 

Next Steps|

Artefact 8.14 Right | Patchwork sketch section


A combination of environmental strategies, exploration of internal atmospherics and acoustics will drive development of form and spatial adjacencies. (See E&T PDF)

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